Custom Manychat Integrations

Take your chat automations to the next level by creating custom Manychat integrations.

Check What’s Included

Custom Integrations for Manychat

Trusted by These Brands

Learn to Create Custom Manychat Integrations and Don't Lose That Next Client.

Knowing how to create automations in Manychat is great,

But connecting your chat automations to the rest of your (or your client’s) tech stack is an absolute must if you want to create chat automations that drive results.

For example, when somebody enters an email inside your chat automation, it is automatically added to a CRM.

Or when someone gives their email and order number, we can automatically look up the status of that order.

These are the things that will save you (or your client) lots of money and time.

And this will be the difference between having decent results and achieving excellent results.

It will make you stand out in a world of chat developers that don’t know how to get to that next level.

And believe me, it doesn’t have to be difficult.

In fact, you don’t need to have any experience with integrations.

And you don’t even need to know how to code.

I will guide you from the very basics to the very end into becoming an expert.

I’m so convinced, that I even give you a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

That means you get 30 days to get through all the materials and if you are not satisfied, I will refund every penny.

Here’s what you can expect:

By the end of this course, You:

Learn what integrations are and why you need them

Create direct integrations using Manychat

Understand Integrations Platforms and Know Which One You Should Use

Create your own custom Manychat integrations

Have a Community of Like-Minded Chat Enthusiasts

So you can get help whenever you get stuck!

Don't Take My Word For It.

Here's what other people said after working with me:

What's Included In the Course

The Creating Custom Manychat Integrations is a course that will show you how you can get started with creating integrations between Manychat and other applications.

You can go through it at your own pace, and revisit the content as many times as you need to.

Here’s what will be covered in the course:

Part 1: Getting started

First things first. I will give you an overview of everything that we will cover and why we actually need integrations.


Why do we need integrations?

Part 2: Direct Integrations

Before we dive into the advanced stuff, it’s important you understand how you can create direct integrations in Manychat.

I will show you what direct integrations exist and how you can use them in Manychat.

Create Direct Integrations in Manychat

Part 3: Create Custom Integrations

Next up is using integrations platforms and creating your own custom integrations.

I’ll demonstrate how several platforms work and how you can integrate all kinds of different platforms.

Zapier vs. Make

Connect Manychat to External applications using Zapier

Connect Manychat to External applications using Make

From External Applications to Manychat

Part 4: Using Advanced Features

Go the next mile by using advanced features, make your integrations even better and more versatile, and connect with every application using APIs.

Automatically Handle Errors

Advanced Integrations using Routes

Performing API Calls

External Requests in Manychat



Bonus #1:

7 Make Blueprints ($99 Value)

Get started right away by using the integrations I explain in this course with my Make Blueprints.

Bonus #2:

Free 30 Days Account on Make

Free Make Pro for 30 Days ($18 Value)

Get a Free Make Account for 30 Days.

Bonus #3:

Lifetime access to Chatimize Community ($99 Value)

Get access to a private community of like-minded chat automation enthusiasts.

Everything You'll Get

When you Enroll Today

  • Custom Manychat Integrations (10+ Lessons) ($249 Value)
  • 7 Make Blueprint Templates ($97 Value)
  • Free Make Pro ($18 Value)
  • Lifetime access to Chatimize Community ($99 Value)

Total Value: $463

Today: $89

Frequently Asked Questions

You will get lifetime access to the course. You can start whenever you want, finish whenever you want and rewatch everything as often as you’d like.

Yes, this course is perfect if you want to get started with creating Manychat Integrations. You don’t need any prior experience with creating integrations.

Yes, but you don’t need to be a ManyChat expert. You just need some basic ManyChat experience.

You need to know what it is, how you can use the flow builder and the general concepts of ManyChat.

If you don’t have that yet, please check out my courses for Instagram and WhatsApp:

Instagram Automation Starter Pack

WhatsApp Automation Starter Pack

Yes and No!

In this course, I will only focus on creating integrations with Manychat.

But, the tactics that I show in this course, can be used to create integrations for any application.

I give a 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

That means you get 30 days to get through all the materials and if you are not satisfied, I will refund every penny!


Joren Wouters

If you’ve read this far, you know you need to get started with Chat Funnels.

But you don’t know where to get started or what platform to use.

I was exactly in the same place 5 years ago.

I knew Chat Funnels were the future, but didn’t know where to get started.

And that’s why I decided to start Chatimize.

Since then, I have created over 100 tutorials, reviewed over 50 chatbot platforms and published over 100 videos.

Now, I am inspring over 80K people every month to create chat funnels that drive profits.

This has led me to work with the biggest brands, in almost every industry.

And even an official badge as a Manychat Educator:

So whether you just want to get started with a free tutorial or want to get the best strategies with one of my courses, I got you covered.

I will be your guide on your Chat Funnel journey.

With the right tools and guidance, anyone can learn to Chat Funnels for any business.

Let’s dive in!