How To Create AI Chatbot in Less Than 10 Minutes


By Joren Wouters Updated on

I will show you how you can create an AI chatbot for any business in less than 10 minutes.

This chatbot will be trained on your specific data, so it can automatically answer questions from your customers.

In this AI Chatbot tutorial, I will teach you how to create an AI chatbot in just 5 easy steps.

Let’s get started!

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What We’re Using to Build Our Chatbot

To create our AI chatbot we will be using Chatbase.

Chatbase is one of the best chatbot platforms. You can use it to train a chatbot on your specific data, such as your website. Then it can automatically answer questions about that data.

The homepage of Chatbase

What’s so good about Chatbase is that you can set up a chatbot within minutes. You can also revise the answers of the AI.

AI often gives incorrect answers. With Chatbase, you can easily improve those answers. Then, Chatbase will automatically learn from that.

Step 1: Create Your Chatbase AI Chatbot

The first step is to create your Chatbase account. To do that, please click the button below:

Create a Free Chatbase account

This will bring you directly to the Chatbase website.

Here you can click on Try For Free, and Chatbase has a free plan that allows you to test the platform:

Try Chatbase For Free

Once you’re ready to use this for your business, you can go with their paid plan, which only costs $19 a month.

Once you are logged in, you can click on New Chatbot:

New Chatbot on Chatbase

Step 2: Train the Chatbot on Your Data

The next step is to train the chatbot on our data.

First, you need to determine on what data sources you want to train it.

You can choose between:

  • Files
  • Text
  • Website URLs
  • Questions and Answers
  • Notion

In this tutorial, I will be using My Jewellery as an example. My Jewellery is a multi-million dollar eCommerce business here in the Netherlands. They sell jewellery and clothing.

Just like any other eCommerce business, they have a customer service page:

Customer Service of My Jewellery

When you go here, you can see all the questions that you can train your chatbot on. For example, they have questions about:

  • When will my package be delivered?
  • What is the return term?
  • How long will it take for my return to be processed?

My Jewellery Frequently Asked Questions

So because we want to train our chatbot on a website, we choose for Website. One option is to fill in the website URL, and Chatbase will grab all the links:

Chatbase Data Sources

Another option is to manually enter the clicks. You can do that by clicking the Plus under “Included Links”:

Clicking On Plus Icon In Chatbase Data Sources

Then, we will add all links from this customer service page.

Once you’ve done that, you can click on Create Chatbot:

Create Chatbot Button On Chatbase

Now, Chatbase will train itself on the My Jewellery website.

This can take several minutes.  You can just wait until it says Trained next to the website URLs (you need to refresh the page for this):

Chatbase Chatbot Is Trained

For each URL, you can see the number of characters it has been trained on.

If the number of characters is low, then it could be that Chatbase cannot read your website well. For example, for one URL in the screenshot we only have 313 characters (while that page has more).

In this case, I would go that page, convert it to PDF and train Chatbase on the PDF. 

Step 3: Improve the Chatbot Answers Manually

Once you have trained your Chatbase chatbot, you can go to the Playground. Here you can talk to your chatbot, and we can improve the answers manually.

Here, you can click on the icon on the left:

Chatbase Playground Icon

And then you can determine the model that you want to use. You can choose GPT-4,  Cloud, Gemini and so on:

Chatbase Playground Settings

Also, you can set the temperature. This determines how reserved or creative the chatbot is.

Likewise, you can edit the system prompt. Here, you can set your own custom prompt. But Chatbase also offers pre-built prompts, including:

  • Customer support agent
  • Sales agent
  • AI chatbot

For now, we will go with the AI Chatbot pre-built prompt.

Then you need to save that to your chatbot:

Save Chatbase Playground Settings to Chatbot

Once you’ve saved to your chatbot, you can talk to it in the Playground. For example, I can say “What is your return term?”, and then it will automatically respond to that:

Talking To Chatbase Chatbot

This automatic responding to questions is great. But what’s so amazing about Chatbase is that we can also revise these answers.

In the Activity, in the Chat Logs, you can see all chats your Chatbase chatbot had. 

If you think this answer is not good, for example, you can easily click on Revise Answer:

Revising Chatbase Chatbot Answers

Then you can give the expected response, and Chatbase will learn from this.

So, the next time someone asks the same question, it will give a better response than before.

And that’s what I recommend you to do. I suggest having many conversations with your AI chatbot. Then, revise its answers until they match your expectations.

Once you’re done with that, we can actually add it on your website.

Step 4: Set Your Chatbot Settings

Before we can add it to our website, we first need to determine the Settings of the chatbot.

If we go to Settings, the first thing we do is change the name of our chatbot.

In this case, I’ll just call this “My Jewellery Assistant”, then click on Save:

Giving a Name to Your Chatbase Chatbot

The next step is to set the chat interface. This determines how it will look on the website.

Then, we can add an initial message (also called a Welcome Message).

Here, we can add:

I’m the digital assistant of My Jewellery, how can I help you? Please click on one of the buttons or type in your question below 👇

Chatbase Chatbot Initial Message

Then we can add suggested messages. These are buttons that people can click on.

For example, you can enter Delivery Time or Return Policy here, or something similar:

Chatbase Chatbot Suggested Messages

So people can just click on that instead of typing it in themselves.

Then if we go to the bottom, we can also add a logo and specific colors:

Chatbase Chat Interface Profile Picture and Chat Icon

Here you should add the logo of your business to the Profile Picture and to the Chat Icon. will use the My Jewellery logo, which I already downloaded before.

Then we can also change the color, which I will set to pink, because that matches the branding of My Jewellery:

My Jewellery Logo and Color

Now we can hit Save:

Saving Chatbase Chat Interface

The last thing that we can do is go to Leads. And I actually recommend disabling this:

Disabling Leads in Chatbase

This is often enabled by default. This means that every time someone starts a conversation with your chatbot, a form will come up. The form says “Let us know how to contact you” with the name, email, and phone.

I don’t recommend that. This chatbot should auto-reply to customer questions.

We don’t necessarily want to get their name, email or phone. So, it’s better to disable it. 

Once you’ve done that, we can actually add this to our website.

Step 5: Add the AI Chatbot to Your Website

To add Chatbase to your website, go to Connect. Choose for Embed on the left and click on Make Public:

Embed and Make Chatbase Chatbot Public

Now we have two options that we can add to our website:

  1. You can use the chatbot inside your page
  2. Or you can add it as a chat bubble to the bottom-right of your site

We will go with the second option. Just click on Copy script:

Copy script from Chatbase to add it to your website

Next, I will show you how you can add this to a WordPress website.

But you can add this to any website, whether you’re using Shopify, Wix, or Webflow. Or anything else really.

So in WordPress, you can add the plugin WP Code to add the Chatbase script to your website. 

Once you have the plugin, you can click on Add New:

Add Snippet in WP Code

Choose for Add Your Custom Code:

Add Custom Code to your website with WP COde

And select the HTML Snippet:

Choose for HTML snippet in WP Code

Under “Code Preview”, you can paste the script code from Chatbase:

WPCode paste Chatbase script to add the chatbot to your website

Then, click on Active and Save Snippet in the top-right corner:

Save snippet in WP Code

Now, the Chatbase chatbot is working on my website:

AI Chatbot on a website

Your Next Step

And that’s how you create an AI Chatbot in less than 10 minutes!

Once your chatbot is ready, you can also connect it to other channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

But this is just a start. If you want to see more tutorials on building chatbots, you can read them here:

For now, get started with Chatbase using the link below and see what it can do for your business.

Get Started With Chatbase

Comments (2)

  1. David

    What is the best chatbot to use with Facebook messenger ads?

    1. Joren Wouters

      Hey David! I would recommend using ManyChat.

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